Led by renowned cardiologist Dr. Danish Kazmi, the team utilized advanced medical technology to perform a life-saving procedure called “Ductal Stenting”. This delicate intervention involved inserting a tiny stent through the baby's axillary artery to keep the Duct or the PDA open.
"The procedure was extremely high risk, given the baby’s fragility but was the only hope for survival” said Dr. Kamran, Pediatric cardiologist.
The baby was closely monitored and managed in the hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and was discharged in a stable condition next day. “Sick babies like this require an aggressive team approach and NICU care for optimal outcomes” said NICU incharge Dr. Ashutosh.
This was the first such case ever done in the city of Lucknow and a testament to the commitment of Chandan Hospital in providing exceptional patient care and pushing boundaries to save lives.
Dr. Narendra Rai, Chairperson of Pediatrics department, stated that PDA stenting procedure is a life-saver for these subset of blue-babies and buys time to the point where a definitive corrective cardiac surgery can be done in future.
The baby's parents’ expressed gratitude to the hospital and medical team. "We were devastated when we learned about our baby's condition, but Chandan Hospital's doctors and staff gave us hope. We can't thank them enough for saving our child's life."